Higher-order functions are functions that work with other functions. They either accept functions as arguments or return functions as results.
You probably use them frequently, often without realizing it. Higher-order functions help write concise, minimal, and functional-style code by abstracting repetitive logic into testable functions.
Consider this simple data structure:
const cart = [
{ name: "Solar panel", price: 299 },
{ name: "Solar inverter", price: 399 },
{ name: "Battery", price: 199 },
Functions as Arguments
Let's use Array.prototype.reduce to calculate the total price of items in the cart:
const total = cart.reduce((prev, next) => prev + next.price, 0);
console.log(total); // 897
Functions that Return Functions
Now, let's create a higher-order function that applies a discount to items before adding them to the cart.
First, the basic add to cart function:
function addToCart(item) {
Next, a function that returns another function to apply a discount:
function addToCartWithDiscount(amount) {
return function (item) {
const price = item.price * amount;
addToCart({ ...item, price });
We can create reusable functions for different discount amounts:
const addToCartWith20Discount = addToCartWithDiscount(0.8); // 20% discount
const addToCartWith40Discount = addToCartWithDiscount(0.6); // 40% discount
const addToCartWith60Discount = addToCartWithDiscount(0.4); // 60% discount
const addToCartWith80Discount = addToCartWithDiscount(0.2); // 80% discount
Using these functions is straightforward:
const item = { name: "Solar panel", price: 299 };
addToCartWith40Discount(item); // Applies 40% discount
console.log(cart); // [{ name: 'Solar panel', price: 179.4 }]
Higher-order functions make code cleaner, easier to test, and more flexible. They are a key concept in functional programming, closely related to closures, which provide powerful tools for composition and abstraction.